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Toronto Metropolitan University welcomes controversial psychologist to gender studies department

Ella Miller
Jordan Peterson (Dr. title pending) to continue research into “types of men” at TMU following amicable split from U of T 

In a press conference Wednesday, Toronto Metropolitan University issued a statement welcoming psychologist and self-described “Best-Selling Author | Clinical Psychologist | #1 Education Podcast | Listen to the podcast here:” to the Gender, Sexuality and Health Research Cluster (GSH). 

Peterson is set to join the faculty in order to continue his ongoing research project surrounding archetypes of masculinity and its intersection with perceived monstrosity. 

“You can become: vampire, werewolf, billionaire, pirate and surgeon,” says Peterson in several interviews related to his research. 

Many in the GSH faculty are anticipating the announcement of a sixth type of man with the increased allocation of monetary resources to Peterson’s project.  

“I would be very interested in seeing whether or not Swamp Thing or Australian can receive official classification,” says research fellow, Tyrese Buchanan. “Those have been very popular choices in academia these past few years.” 

A spokesperson for Peterson asked that The Abnormal School clarify that these types of men are strictly binary and not associated with “the 72 trans genders [sic] or pronouns”. 

TMU has a history of engaging with controversial figures and Peterson’s hiring is being criticized as a step back by some students. 

“How the f*** are they going to cut our scholarships to remove all the residential school founder signs,” says fifth year student Isabella Li referring to Egerton Ryerson. “And then hire a guy whose reputation is trashed and he ain’t even dead yet?” 

Peterson is currently fighting a court mandate to undergo social media training in order to keep his doctor title amidst accusations of unprofessionalism. 


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