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TMU buys gravel quarry amidst grit shortage

Calan Pittis

Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) announced on Wednesday that it has begun the process of purchasing the Fitzjames Aggregate Quarry, located in Caledon, Ont.

The quarry is being bought as the university is facing an unexpected shortfall of grit for 2024.

Grit is the primary construction material used by TMU in the creation of new buildings, curricula, and faculty. 

An audit conducted between June 2023 and January 2024 found that the university was consuming significantly higher amounts of grit than it had initially estimated.

The university previously relied on a substantial grit donation by the Hudson’s Bay Company and grit contributions by students.

The Fitzjames Aggregate Quarry has previously been scrutinized for producing low-quality gravel.

“We are aware of the quarry’s reputation, but we are confident that it will provide exactly the kind of grit that we expect from our staff and students,” said a spokesperson for TMU.


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